Saturday, April 25, 2009

i'm getting worst in my 1st exm 1st exm? Really terrible..oh no…hehhe…x de la terrible sgt..suma d jawab.. tp x pasti ngan jwpn yg ditulis..huhu…part b smooth je jwb..part a tu, gram btul..byk mgoreng2..harap2 secukup rasa..huhuu…^_^

Minggu ni 2 lg paper..env impact assessment n auditing and current issue in bio science…huhu..tkt…tp xpe dh prepare cket..cket ja??? STUDY!!!(kn dh kne marah)… ye la asyk2 ngntuk awl ja..myb bla otak bekerja keras, cpat ltih kot,tu la klu kul 10 lbh dh critical dh… huhu nsib da yg x jemu2 sruh klu tido awl..kjut suh bgn study… thanks a lot n A lot of luv for u….mmmmuaah..huhu…pas ni da 1 lg paper..n abes final exam… next I need to ready for my FYP presentation..hope I will do the best…n jilid thesis....pastu complete suma keje…YES!!!!!.. ^_^

Nnnnnnnn the day aku tgu2..waitin’ for sumone…hehehe… ^_^

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